Tuesday, January 21, 2025
HomeTech NewsHow to hide private chat in WhatsApp, this is the way

How to hide private chat in WhatsApp, this is the way

There are many chats in WhatsApp, but among them, there are a couple of chats that we want to keep away from the eyes of others. So that no person can read or see the message of that personal chat so that the secret remains intact. For this, we follow many types of measures, but now there is no need to do this. Actually, there is a feature in WhatsApp, with the help of which users will be able to hide their personal chat very easily.

Recently, the Archive feature has been updated in WhatsApp, with the help of which you can now keep secret and personal chats hidden from others. Not only this, today we will tell you the option to remove the archive box from above so that no one will be able to find it.

WhatsApp: How to temporarily hide WhatsApp chats

  • To hide a chat in WhatsApp, click and hold on it for a while. After this, the archive box will appear in the top right on the display.
  • After clicking on the box on it the chat will be hidden.
  • Keep in mind that even after a new message is received, the chats will be saved in the archive. Not even a notification will be received for this.

WhatsApp: How to remove archived chats

After archiving, the Archived section will appear at the top of the screen, click on it. In this, all the chats that are archived or hidden can be seen. After this, click and hold on to the chats for a while, after which the option with the archive box will appear at the top, click on it.

WhatsApp:How to permanently hide chats

To permanently hide chats in WhatsApp after archiving, first go to WhatsApp’s settings. Then click on Chats, then go to Archive Chats, where enable Keep Chats Archived. After that, the archived chats will be hidden forever. But the problem with this is that the Archive Chats option will appear at the top. But you can remove this box if you want.

WhatsApp: How to remove the Archived box from the top

The Archive Chats option appears at the top, then open that archive box and click on the three-dot option, which can be called Archive settings, under which you will find the option of Keep Chats Archived, disable it. After this, the option of archive box will be removed from the top.

Also Read: Have to keep WhatsApp Chats secure, then these 3 ways will come to your work

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